Tuesday, July 8, 2014

An introduction of sorts

I am a 30 something, stay at home single mom. I know right, not words you here to often in the same sentence. Let me explain. I have to wonderful handsome young boys. Turk (not his real name)is 7,  and Toots is 3 (also not his real name). Turk and Toots are both special needs ( handicapped, disabled how ever you like to put it). Turk has aspergers syndrome, touretts syndrome, adhd ( attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), dd (disruptive disorder), anxiety, social depression, ocd (obsessive compulsive disorder, sever food allergies, ftt ( failure to thrive), asthma, seasonal allergies, and last but not lest spd ( sensory processing disorder.
     Toots is a whole nother ball game. He has a genetic disorder called 15q11.2 micro deletion syndrome. With this he has many many dx, including birth defects, medical issues, behavioural issues, it go's on and on. If you are interested in a list just ask.
     We live in very small means, but it works. I tried the working thing. Employers dint understand needing to miss work due to this appointment or that therapy, let alone weeks off for surgeries or procedures. They don't understand daycare calling needing you now because your kid vomited everywhere, or is sizing. Oh and do not get me started on daycare, ha that is a joke in itself. So I stay home. My youngest gets ssi, and they both get child support. We make due. I will post more latter.

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